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8 Tips to Avoid the Pitfalls of Voice Bot Development

Written by Sumit Singh | Oct 25, 2023 7:24:45 PM

Have you ever interacted with a voice bot that was more frustrating than helpful? We all have. Developing a successful AI voice bot that delights customers takes strategic thinking and expertise. And without the right approach, your voice bot could easily go off the rails.

So in this blog, let's explore the major pitfalls to avoid when creating AI voice bots and actionable solutions to overcome them. Though properly implementing voice AI requires foresight and know-how, the payoff of enhanced customer experiences is immense. So without further ado, let’s dive straight into it.

What are AI Voice Bots and Why are Businesses Adopting Them?

Let's start with the basics - what are voice bots and why should you care about them? AI voice bots are software applications that understand natural language, allowing people to interact conversationally with technology through voice. Think Siri or Alexa, except geared for customer service versus personal assistance. Unlike simple IVR systems, voice bots leverage artificial intelligence to handle natural conversations and complex queries.

With the rise of voice-activated devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Home, consumers are getting accustomed to talking to technology. Businesses are keen to tap into this trend to provide personalized and efficient customer service. 

According to a report, the global voice assistant market will grow from $1.8 billion in 2021 to over $6.2 billion by 2030 growing at a CAGR of 28.5%. Clearly, voice AI is becoming a customer service priority.

Leading brands like Domino’s, Starbucks, and Capital One are using AI voice bots to automate routine queries and transactions. This improves efficiency and reduces operational costs. Voice bots also deliver personalized interactions and 24/7 availability - delighting customers.

It's clear why more businesses are jumping on the voice AI bandwagon. However, developing a successful voice assistant requires avoiding these common pitfalls.

What are the Major Pitfalls of AI Voice Bot Development and How to Avoid Them

#1 Lack of a Comprehensive Voice Bot Strategy:

Having a well-defined voice bot strategy is essential, yet many businesses fail to develop one. Without clear objectives, use cases, success metrics, and implementation plans, your voice bot can quickly derail.

How do you formulate a rock-solid strategy? Start by identifying your business goals. Gather executive buy-in. Determine high-value use cases like customer support and payment processing. Define key performance indicators like call deflection rates and issue resolution times. Have a phased rollout plan for continuous improvement.

With a strategic approach, your voice assistant will stay focused on delivering business value, not just technological novelty.

#2 Setting it up for Failure by Assigning Wrong Use Cases:

Selecting the right use cases is crucial. Handpicking areas where automation can significantly improve customer and employee experiences is key. 

Common missteps include implementing voice AI across all channels prematurely or using it for complex issues. Start with high-frequency simple queries via chatbots before expanding to voice. Guide users to human agents for intricate problems.

Get the use cases right from the get-go and your voice bot will delight users instead of disappointing them.

#3 Not Controlling the CX:

Here's a wake-up call - over 50% of companies fail to plan the customer experience with voice assistants. However, crafting a stellar CX strategy is vital for driving user adoption.

Make convenience and personalization key CX focus. Allow seamless handoffs to human agents. Include proactive notifications and two-way conversations.

With a great CX, your voice bot becomes a trusted advisor that customers keep coming back to.

#4 Sticking to the Channel You Prefer:

We often see businesses fixated on their favorite platforms. However, limiting your voice bot's availability can cost you customers.

The key is being where your users are. Analyze their preferred platforms and devices. Then make your voice assistant accessible across multiple touchpoints like web, iOS, Android, VoIP, or PSTN

With an omnichannel presence, your voice AI scales to serve users on the channels they already use daily.

#5 Monitoring Meaningless Metrics:

Vanity metrics like the number of users or sessions paint an incomplete picture. Instead, focus on metrics aligned to business goals like call deflection rates, issue resolution times, containment rates, and customer satisfaction.

Tie metrics directly to desired outcomes. Track how voice AI impacts contact center KPIs. Measure user sentiment through CSAT surveys.

With the right metrics, you'll gain actionable insights to iteratively improve your voice bot.

#6 Failing to Optimize Resolution Time:

Lengthy back-and-forth conversations frustrate users quickly. Ideally, your voice bot should resolve queries and transactions swiftly.

Set an initial target of 2-3 minutes maximum per interaction. Use NLP and dialog management to streamline discussions. Continuously monitor and reduce resolution times.

Speedy issue resolution is pivotal to driving user adoption of your voice bot.

#7 No Proper Escalation:

When conversations get complex, your voice bot should seamlessly connect users to human agents. However, many voice AIs lack robust escalation capabilities.

Build contextual handoffs via agent assist, real-time agent alerts and transfers, and post-call summaries. Guide users through each escalation.

Smooth handoffs reassure customers that human assistance is available if needed.

#8 Choosing an Incompetent Partner:

Developing voice AI in-house can be complex and time-consuming. But picking an inexperienced solutions provider is equally risky.

Vet potential partners thoroughly. Assess their previous track record, capabilities, and customer success. Look if they fulfill each and every security compliance and at last ask for a demo so that you get a hint of what you’re signing up for.

At VoiceGenie we have the proven experience to create next-gen voice bots tailored to your specific needs. And as we know with the right partner, your vision can become reality in no time.

To Sum Up: 

Avoiding these voice bot pitfalls lays the foundation for standout customer experiences. Approach voice AI strategically. Start with quick wins in high-value areas. Craft exceptional CX. Continuously optimize performance. And choose an experienced partner.

Ready to take the first step toward boosting customer satisfaction via voice AI? Book a personalized demo with VoiceGenie today. Discover how generative voice AI can help your business engage customers conversationally and efficiently at scale.