10 Powerful Real Estate Marketing Automation Tools

In the ever-evolving world of real estate, staying ahead of the competition means embracing technology that streamlines operations and enhances efficiency. Enter the era of real estate marketing automation tools. These tools have become indispensable for realtors and agents looking to scale their businesses without compromising on quality. 

From managing leads to executing high-conversion marketing campaigns, automation has become the backbone of modern real estate practices. But amidst the sea of options, which tools truly stand out?

Today, we’ll delve into the top 10 real estate marketing automation tools that can revolutionize how you do business, with a particular focus on the game-changing use of AI-powered voice bots. Specifically, we'll explore how these bots, like VoiceGenie, are transforming sales processes, especially cold calling, into automated, seamless operations.

What Is Automation In Real Estate?

Automation in real estate is all about leveraging technology to streamline processes that were once manual, tedious, and time-consuming. From handling leads to managing customer relationships, automation tools can take over many of the routine tasks that bog down real estate professionals, allowing them to focus more on building relationships and closing deals.

One of the most powerful applications of automation in real estate is in sales and marketing. AI-powered tools, like voice bots, are particularly effective in this domain. These tools can handle everything from initial cold calls to nurturing leads over time, ensuring that no potential client falls through the cracks.

AI in Sales: AI-powered voice bots, like VoiceGenie, have become a game-changer in the industry. These bots are designed to mimic human conversation, making them perfect for cold calling and following up on leads. They can handle multiple calls simultaneously, providing a level of efficiency that’s impossible for human agents to match. Not only do these bots save time, but they also ensure consistency in communication, which is crucial for building trust with potential clients.

AI in Marketing: When it comes to marketing, automation tools can manage your email campaigns, social media posts, and even your property listings. They can analyze data to determine the best times to post, which properties to feature, and how to target your audience most effectively. This kind of targeted marketing is especially important in real estate, where reaching the right audience at the right time can make all the difference.

Can Real Estate Agents Be Automated?

This is a question that’s been on the minds of many in the industry: Can real estate agents be replaced by technology? The short answer is no, but the role of the agent is certainly evolving.

While automation can take over many of the routine tasks that agents currently handle, the personal touch and expert knowledge that a real estate agent brings to the table can’t be fully replicated by a machine. What’s happening instead is a partnership between technology and agents, where the technology handles the grunt work, and the agent focuses on the high-level tasks that require human insight and expertise.

For instance, an AI-powered voice bot like VoiceGenie can handle the initial stages of client interaction, such as cold calling and gathering information. This frees up agents to spend more time on tasks that require their unique skill set, such as negotiating deals, providing personalized advice, and building relationships with clients.

The Role of Agents: Agents who embrace automation can enhance their service offerings. By using tools that streamline their workflow, they can offer more value to their clients and position themselves as tech-savvy professionals who are ahead of the curve. This is particularly important in luxury real estate markets, where clients expect a high level of service and attention to detail.

Which Software Is Used In Real Estate To Automate Sales?

When it comes to automating sales in real estate, there are a few standout tools that are making a big impact. Chief among them is VoiceGenie, an AI-powered voice bot that’s specifically designed for the real estate industry.

VoiceGenie is not your average chatbot. It’s an advanced AI-powered voice bot that specializes in handling sales calls and lead generation for real estate professionals. Unlike traditional chatbots, VoiceGenie can engage in natural, human-like conversations, making it an ideal tool for cold calling and following up with leads. It’s designed to work seamlessly within the real estate industry, focusing on sales and marketing without getting bogged down in customer support tasks.

What sets VoiceGenie apart is its ability to handle multiple calls simultaneously, track conversations, and even learn from interactions to improve its performance over time. This means that as it continues to interact with potential clients, it becomes more effective at generating leads and closing deals.

Beyond VoiceGenie, there are several other tools that real estate professionals should consider incorporating into their workflow. Here are the top 10 real estate automation tools that can help you streamline your marketing efforts and boost your sales.

Top 10 Real Estate Automation Tools For Marketing



Key Features

Best For



AI-powered Voice Bot for Sales

Cold calling, Lead follow-up, Human-like conversation

Real estate agents focused on sales

Learn More & Try VoiceGenie

HubSpot CRM

Comprehensive CRM with Marketing Automation

Contact management, Sales pipeline, Marketing Analytics

Agents and teams looking for all-in-one solutions

Get Started with HubSpot

Follow Up Boss

CRM Tailored for Real Estate Professionals

Lead management, Automated follow-ups, Sales tracking

Real estate professionals who need an intuitive CRM

Explore Follow-Up Boss

Zoho CRM

Cloud-Based CRM with Automation

Custom workflows, Multi-channel communication, Sales forecasting

Agents wanting customizable automation

Discover Zoho CRM


Video Email Marketing

Video email creation, Tracking, Personalization

Agents aiming to build stronger client relationships

Start Sending Video Emails


Workflow Automation for Real Estate Agents

Task automation, Client management, Custom templates

Real estate professionals seeking workflow consistency

Automate with Realvolve


CRM with Built-In Marketing Automation

Integrated texting, Drip campaigns, Transaction management

Agents need a complete sales and marketing suite

Try LionDesk Today


Commercial Real Estate Data Platform

Property intelligence, Market analysis, Opportunity identification

Commercial real estate investors and brokers

Leverage Reonomy


Back-Office Automation for Brokerages

Transaction management, Commission tracking, Reporting

Real estate brokerages looking to streamline operations

Simplify with Brokermint


Email Marketing Automation

Email campaigns, Audience segmentation, Performance tracking

Agents focused on staying connected with clients

Boost Your Emails with Mailchimp

Most Effective Real Estate Marketing Automation Tools

Real estate automation tools are designed to make your life easier by handling repetitive tasks, managing leads, and streamlining your workflow. Let’s dive deeper into each tool and see how it can transform your real estate business.

1. VoiceGenie

Specialization: AI-powered voice bot for sales and lead generation
Why You Need It: VoiceGenie is a revolutionary AI-powered voice bot specifically tailored for the real estate industry. Unlike traditional chatbots that are limited to text-based interactions, VoiceGenie engages in natural, human-like conversations over the phone. This makes it an ideal tool for cold calling, which is often time-consuming and tedious for agents.

  • How It Works: VoiceGenie can make multiple calls simultaneously, handling everything from initial contact to follow-ups. It tracks conversations, learns from each interaction, and adapts its responses to improve over time.
  • Key Benefits: By using VoiceGenie, you ensure that no lead is overlooked. It works tirelessly in the background, allowing you to focus on more strategic aspects of your business. Whether you’re dealing with a high volume of leads or want to ensure consistent follow-ups, VoiceGenie has got you covered.

2. HubSpot CRM

Specialization: Comprehensive CRM with marketing automation
Why You Need It: HubSpot CRM is one of the most popular tools for real estate professionals, offering a robust platform that combines customer relationship management (CRM) with powerful marketing automation features.

  • Features: HubSpot allows you to manage your contacts, track sales pipelines, and automate your marketing efforts. With its easy-to-use interface, you can set up automated email campaigns, schedule social media posts, and monitor the performance of your marketing strategies all in one place.

User Experience: HubSpot CRM is designed with user-friendliness in mind. Even if you’re not tech-savvy, you’ll find it easy to navigate and set up automation workflows that save you time and increase your productivity.

3. Follow Up Boss

Specialization: CRM tailored for real estate professionals
Why You Need It: Follow Up Boss is a CRM designed specifically for real estate agents, offering features that cater to the unique needs of the industry.

  • How It Helps: Follow Up Boss simplifies lead management by automating follow-ups, ensuring that you stay on top of your sales process. It integrates with popular real estate platforms, so you can easily import leads and manage them in one place.

Unique Feature: The “Action Plans” feature allows you to set up automated sequences for lead nurturing, so every new lead receives timely and relevant communication without you having to lift a finger. This keeps your leads warm and increases your chances of closing deals.

4. Zoho CRM

Specialization: Cloud-based CRM with automation capabilities
Why You Need It: Zoho CRM is a powerful tool that offers a wide range of customization options, making it suitable for real estate professionals with unique workflows.

  • Automation Features: Zoho CRM allows you to create custom automation workflows that match your business processes. You can automate tasks like lead assignments, follow-ups, and even contract management.
  • Integration: Zoho integrates with various third-party applications, including marketing tools and real estate platforms, allowing you to streamline your operations. This means you can manage everything from lead generation to closing deals without switching between multiple tools.

5. BombBomb

Specialization: Video email marketing
Why You Need It: BombBomb is a unique tool that allows you to send personalized video emails, making your outreach more engaging and effective.

  • Why It Works: In real estate, personal connection is key. BombBomb lets you record short video messages and send them directly to your clients’ inboxes. This approach is more personal than a standard email and helps you build stronger relationships with your clients.
  • How to Use: Use BombBomb to send property previews, follow-up messages, or even thank-you notes. The platform tracks engagement, so you know who’s watching your videos and can follow up accordingly.

6. Realvolve

Specialization: Workflow automation for real estate agents
Why You Need It: Realvolve is designed to manage your entire real estate business, from lead generation to transaction management, with a focus on automating your workflows.

  • Workflow Management: Realvolve offers customizable workflows that can be tailored to your business needs. Whether you’re managing listings, coordinating showings, or handling transactions, Realvolve keeps everything organized and automated.
  • Collaborative Features: The platform also allows team collaboration, making it easier to manage tasks and communicate with your team. This is particularly useful for real estate teams who need to coordinate their efforts and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

7. LionDesk

Specialization: CRM with built-in marketing automation
Why You Need It: LionDesk is another CRM that combines powerful lead management with marketing automation features, specifically designed for real estate professionals.

  • Automation Capabilities: LionDesk allows you to automate follow-ups with email, text, and even video messages, ensuring that your leads receive consistent and personalized communication. You can also set up automated workflows that trigger based on specific actions or timelines.

Lead Management: The platform’s intuitive interface makes it easy to manage your leads, track interactions, and monitor the progress of your deals. LionDesk also integrates with popular real estate tools, so you can keep all your data in one place.

8. Reonomy

Specialization: Commercial real estate data platform
Why You Need It: Reonomy provides comprehensive data on commercial properties, helping real estate professionals make data-driven decisions and automate their investment research process.

  • Data-Driven Insights: Reonomy offers access to a vast database of commercial property information, including ownership details, transaction history, and market trends. This data can be used to identify new opportunities, analyze market conditions, and make informed investment decisions.

Automation Feature: Reonomy’s platform allows you to set up alerts and automated reports, so you’re always updated on the properties and markets that matter most to you.

9. Brokermint

Specialization: Back-office automation for real estate brokerages
Why You Need It: Brokermint is a back-office solution designed to streamline the administrative tasks associated with running a real estate brokerage.

  • Automation Benefits: Brokermint automates key back-office functions such as transaction management, commission tracking, and agent onboarding. This helps reduce errors, saves time, and ensures compliance with industry regulations.

Integration: The platform integrates with other real estate tools, such as your CRM and accounting software, providing a seamless workflow from lead generation to closing and beyond.

10. Mailchimp

Specialization: Email marketing automation
Why You Need It: Mailchimp is a well-known email marketing platform that offers powerful automation features, making it an essential tool for real estate professionals looking to stay connected with their clients.

  • Email Campaigns: Mailchimp allows you to create automated email campaigns that are triggered by specific actions, such as signing up for a newsletter or downloading a property brochure. You can segment your audience to ensure that each group receives targeted and relevant content.
  • Analytics: The platform provides detailed analytics that shows how your campaigns are performing, allowing you to tweak your strategy for better results. With Mailchimp, you can nurture leads, stay top of mind, and ultimately drive more sales.


The landscape of real estate is rapidly changing, and those who embrace automation will be the ones to thrive. By integrating these powerful tools into your workflow, you can streamline your operations, enhance your marketing efforts, and ultimately close more deals. AI-powered voice bots like VoiceGenie are leading the charge, transforming how real estate professionals approach sales and customer interactions. The future of real estate is automated—are you ready to leap?


What Is Real Estate Automation?

Real estate automation involves using technology to streamline tasks like lead management, marketing, and sales.

Can Real Estate Agents Be Automated?

While technology can handle many tasks, the human touch in real estate is irreplaceable.

What Is The Best Real Estate Marketing Automation Tool? 

VoiceGenie is a top tool for sales automation in real estate, particularly for cold calling.

How Does AI Help In Real Estate Marketing?

AI enhances lead generation, personalization, and customer follow-ups, making marketing more efficient.

Which CRM Is Best For Real Estate Agents?

HubSpot and kvCORE are popular CRM options tailored for real estate professionals.

Gurpreet Kaur


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